Beauty is in My Blood

I didn't choose the cosmetology life - the cosmetology life chose me.
I don’t think I ever decided to be a cosmetologist. I mean, not really. It was pretty much chosen for me. From what I remember, it started at the age of 4. I had just gotten a school supply set for my birthday, which included a brand new pair of scissors. I was instantly attracted to them. Actually, I used them to cut a huge notch out of my bangs. I vividly remember going into my room and cutting my hair. It was fun for me. I also remember my mom freaking out and getting pretty mad. (Did I forget to mention that I did this right before all of my family was about to arrive to celebrate my birthday?) What I don’t remember is what my mom did to make me look presentable for the next few months while my bangs grew out. From that day on, I wasn’t allowed to play with scissors. That worked out pretty well- hah!
Fast forward to high school, even though school didn’t start until 8 a.m., I would wake up super early- like 5:30 a.m., just to do my hair for school. I loved doing different updos and styles each day. It was fun for me. Some people dread getting ready in the morning. I love it. My senior year I was voted “Best Hair”. Honestly, I would have been mad if I wasn’t voted that.
I was on the cheerleading squad, and before every game I would do all of our hair. Braids and cornrows (with little butterfly clips and rubberbands) were really popular at the time. I’ll spare you the pictures. The girls would line up and I would make sure everyone looked good before our games.
I went to a private, Christian school, with a pretty strict dress code. The boys weren’t allowed to have their hair touch their ears or their collar. In an age when shaggy hair was in style, this was frustrating for them. So, the boys would get in trouble with a Dress Code Violation, and then they would ask me to cut their hair that night before they went back to school the next day. I had no professional training at this point, yet they still trusted ME to cut their hair.
I knew I wanted to go to beauty school after graduation. I really didn’t even consider any other option. I knew, without a doubt, that it was what I wanted to do as a career. Yes, cosmetology is a career, not just a job. I remember getting a lot of crap from certain people about it. Well, I sure showed them.
I went to a cosmetology school that was 45 minutes away from my house, because the only other one that was close wasn’t very good. I ended up finding an awesome group of girls to carpool with, which made the commute so much easier. I graduated in 13 months (with almost perfect attendance). I couldn’t wait to get my license and start working.
I was hired by a very well known and popular salon in my area. I loved it, but I quickly realized that I still had SO much to learn. Luckily, this salon had an awesome training program. I was blessed to assist and train with some of the most amazing stylists for a year before I was on my own. When I started building up my own clientele, I loved it. I built relationships with them that were more than just hair. I knew everything about them, and was willing to listen while they were in my chair. I was in that salon for 6 years and decided that it was time for a change.
I was hired as a cosmetology instructor at Toni&Guy Hairdressing Academy. It was my job to teach students in their very first month of school. Teaching has ignited a brand new passion for me in the beauty industry. I can take my years of experience in the salon, and use them to teach and inspire my students. Sometimes they end up teaching me things too. I enjoyed this job for 5 years, but I eventually chose to stay home with my children full-time.
I have officially been doing hair for 14 years now, but honestly, it has been a lifetime. Now my focus is on bridal hair. I work on the weekends, and travel to do on-location hair for brides and their entire bridal parties. It's perfect. (PS- If you are looking for someone in Northwest Ohio for your wedding, email me at )
You see, beauty is in my blood, and I don't think that will ever change.